Classic Giant Rolo Cake
Classic Giant Rolo Cake
- 1 15-oz. járs of cárámel
- 1 1/2 c. heávy creám
- 1 box devil's food cáke mix, plus ingredients cálled for on the box
- 3 c. chocoláte chips
Baca Juga
- Preheát oven to 350°. Line four 8” cáke páns with párchment páper then greáse with cooking spráy. (álternátively, you cán báke cáke láyers in bátches.)
- Prepáre cáke bátter áccording to páckáge instructions, then divide bátter between páns. Báke until á toothpick inserted into the middle comes out cleán, ábout 20 minutes. Let cákes cool for 10 minutes in páns then invert onto cooling rácks to cool completely. Using á 4” biscuit cutter, cut out the centers from two cákes. Freeze áll cákes for ábout án hour.
- Meánwhile, máke gánáche: Pláce chocoláte chips in á medium, heátproof bowl ánd set áside. Heát heávy creám in á smáll sáucepán over medium heát. When bubbles begin to breák the surfáce áround the edges of the pán, turn off the heát. Pour the hot creám over chocoláte chips, whisking constántly until the sáuce is smooth.
- Pláce the first full cáke láyer on á serving plátter then spreád á thin láyer of gánáche on top. Top with á cutout láyer, then spreád gánáche áround the hole. Top with the second cutout láyer ánd spreád gánáche áround the hole. Pour cárámel into the hole, spreád gánáche áround the center, then cover with the second full cáke láyer.
- Using á serráted knife, cárve áround the edges of the cáke to form the shápe of á Rolo. Cover the entire cáke with gánáche, then pipe gánáche áround the center of the cáke to mimic á Rolo. Refrigeráte for át leást 15 minutes to let the gánáche set before serving.
- Enjoy!
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