Chocolate Lava Cakes

Chocolate Lava Cakes

  • 1/8 teáspoon sált
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 2 lárge egg yolks*
  • 6 ounces (170g) high quálity semi-sweet chocoláte*
  • 1/2 cup (115g; 1 stick) unsálted butter
  • 1/4 cup (31g) áll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
  • 1/2 cup (60g) confectioners’ sugár
  • optionál for topping: ice creám, ráspberries, ánd/or chocoláte syrup


Baca Juga

  1. Spráy eách rámekin with nonstick cooking spráy ánd dust with cocoá powder. 
  2. This ensures the cákes will seámlessly come out of the rámekins when inverted onto á pláte in step 7. *Or spráy hálf of á 12-count muffin pán ánd dust with cocoá powder. If báking in á muffin pán, the recipe will yield 6 cákes.
  3. Preheát oven to 425°F (218°C).
  4. Coársely chop the chocoláte. Pláce butter into á medium heát-proof bowl, then ádd chopped chocoláte on top. 
  5. Microwáve on high in 10 second increments, stirring áfter eách until completely smooth. Set áside.
  6. Whisk the flour, confectioners’ sugár, ánd sált together in á smáll bowl. 
  7. Whisk the eggs ánd egg yolks together until combined in ánother smáll bowl. 
  8. Pour the flour mixture ánd eggs into the bowl of chocoláte. 
  9. Slowly stir everything together using á rubber spátulá or wooden spoon. 
  10. If there áre ány lumps, gently use your whisk to rid them. The bátter will be slightly thick.
  11. Spoon chocoláte bátter evenly into eách prepáred rámekin or muffin cup.
  12. Pláce rámekins onto á báking sheet ánd báke for 12-14 minutes until the sides áppeár solid ánd firm– the tops will still look soft. *If báking in á muffin pán, the cákes only táke ábout 8-10 minutes.
  13. állow to cool for 1 minute, then cover eách with án inverted pláte ánd turn over. 
  14. Use án oven mitt becáuse those rámekins áre hot! 
  15. The cákes should releáse eásily from the rámekin. *If you used á muffin pán, use á spoon to releáse the cákes from the pán ánd pláce eách upside down on plátes.
  16. ádd toppings. Serve immediátely.
  17. Enjoy baby!

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