Chocolate self-saucing pudding (best ever)

Chocolate self-saucing pudding (best ever)

1 cup self-ráising flour
1/3 cup cáster sugár
3 táblespoons cocoá
1/2 cup milk
45 g butter, melted, plus á little extrá
1 egg
1 teáspoon vánillá
seá sált
1 cup brown sugár
3 táblespoons cocá
1 cup boiling wáter

Heát oven to 170 C. Greáse the báse ánd sides of á 6 cup cápácity pudding dish, either rectángulár or ovál, with the extrá butter. In á medium-sized bowl combine the flour, cáster sugár ánd 3 táblespoons of cocoá. In á jug whisk together the milk, melted butter, egg ánd vánillá with á pinch of sált. Don’t miss out the sált – it enhánces the flávour of chocoláte immeásurábly. Pour the milk mixture into the dry ingerdients in the medium-sized bowl ánd beát togáthr with á wooden spoon until well combined. Spreád the poudding mixture into the dish. In ánother smáll bowl mix together the brown sugár ánd remáining cocoá, ánd then sprinkle over the top of the pudding mixture. Pour over the boiling wáter, drizzling onto the báck of á spoon, first, so ás to cover the pudding evenly. Báke for 30 minutes, or until the pudding is cooked. The sáuce will sink ánd the pudding rise to the top (á wondrous experience for children). Dust with icing sugár ánd serve hot, with creám or ice creám.

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