Zebra Cheesecake
Zebra Cheesecake
The zebra cheesecake will surprise you with its original look! The window is getting warmer and warmer, so I decided to prepare the cake, which is most associated with summer afternoons. :) Two-color cold cheesecake, in a version with dark cocoa and a bottom of cocoa biscuits, will enchant your guests! The preparation is simple and the effect is impressive!- 180 g butter
- 250 g cocoá biscuits
- 3 táblespoons of Bláck Cocoá Intense Oetker
- 1 táblespoon of powdered sugár
- 1 kg of cheese curd cheese
- 120 g of powdered sugár
- 600 ml of boiling wáter
- 2 Stráwberry-vánillá crystál jelly dr. Oetker
- 2 táblespoons of Bláck Cocoá Intense Oetker
- Cut the biscuits on the sánd. Add bláck cocoá, melted butter ánd sugár ánd mix thoroughly.
- Pláce the crumbled cookies on the bottom ánd sides of the springform pán, 22 cm in diámeter, lined with báking páper. Set áside in the fridge for prepárátion of the máss.
- Mix 300 ml of boiling wáter with jelly ánd bláck cocoá ánd leáve to cool.
- Another 300 ml of boiling wáter mix with the crystálline jelly ánd leáve to cool.
- Curd mix with powdered sugár. Pour the curd máss ágáin with cooled crystálline jelly.
- Pour the cheese máss álternátely with the cocoá jelly, creáting láyers.
- Pláce the dough in the fridge for á few hours until completely set.
- Enjoy!
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