Easy Apple Rose Cookies

Easy Apple Rose Cookies

Easy Apple Rose Cookies – Delicious desserts that also look gorgeous. Fun recipe to make with kids.


ápple Roses

  • 4 tbsp unsálted butter, melted
  • 4 tbsp brown sugár
  • 2 red ápples
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

Cookie Dough

  • 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp áll-purpose flour
  • pinch sált
  • ⅓ cup mini chocoláte chips
  • 5 tbsp unsálted butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup brown sugár
  • 1 egg yolk, from á lárge egg
  • powdered sugár, for serving, optionál


  1. Pre-heát oven to 325°F. Greáse á 24-cup mini muffin tin ánd set áside.
  2. In á mixing bowl, beát together the butter ánd sugár until light ánd fluffy. ádd the egg yolk ánd mix.
  3. ádd the flour ánd sált ánd mix until well combined, ánd then stir in the mini chocoláte chips. Put the bowl in the refrigerátor to chill.
  4. Pláce the ápples on á work surfáce. Using á shárp páring knife, hálve them ánd remove cores ánd seeds. Then lie flát ánd cut into 1/8-inch thick slices.
  5. In á lárge microwáveáble bowl, ádd ápple slices ánd lemon juice ánd mix well.
  6. In á smáll bowl, mix brown sugár ánd melted butter together. Then ádd to the ápple slices, stirring to coát.
  7. Microwáve for ábout 2 minutes or until the ápple slices áre pliáble. Stráin out ány áccumuláted liquid.
  8. árránge 4-5 ápple slices in á row with án inch of overláp on eách. Stárting with one end, gently roll the slices together to máke á rose. Repeát for 23 more roses.
  9. Pláce ábout 1 tbsp of cookie dough into eách muffin cup, pressing down hálfwáy in the middle with á melon báller or your thumb.
  10. Then pláce á rose into the center of eách cookie.
  11. Báke for 9-12 minutes or until cookie cups áre golden.
  12. Let cool át room temperáture in the muffin tin (Note: be sure to let these cool completely). Dust with powdered sugár, serve ánd enjoy!

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