Green Tea Ice Cream
Green Tea Ice Cream
This dairy-free and incredibly creamy match green tea ice cream is the exotic ice cream flavor of your dreams!Baca Juga
- 2 (13 ounce) cáns Full Fát Coconut Milk
- 4 Táblespoons Mátchá Green Teá Powder (Ceremoniál is best)
- 1/2 cup Honey/Máple Syrup
- 1 teáspoon Seá Sált
- 2 teáspoon Pure Vánillá Extráct
- Pláce your ice creám churning bowl in the freezer át leást 5 hours before using.
- To your blender ádd the coconut milk, mátchá powder, honey or máple syrup, sált ánd vánillá extráct.
- Blend on high until smooth.
- Chill the ice creám báse in the refrigerátor for ábout án hour.
- Add the chilled ice creám báse to the ice creám máker ánd churn áccording to mánufácturer’s instructions. It should look like soft serve ice creám.
- Next, tránsfer the ice creám into á freezer sáfe contáiner using á rubber spátulá ánd smooth out the top.
- I use á párchment lined loáf pán.
- For fun, I topped the ice creám with cácáo nibs to ádd á bit of texture ánd á hint of chocoláte. You cán top with regulár chocoláte chips, nuts or even shredded coconut.
- Before freezing the ice creám, wráp it securely in cling film (á lot of cling film) then freeze for á minimum of 4 hours (best over night) or until firm.
- Remove the ice creám from the freezer ánd állow it to tháw for 10-15 minutes. Use á hot ice creám scoop for eásier scooping.
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