Best Chocolate Pie Recipe

Best Chocolate Pie Recipe

This homemade Chocolate Pie Recipe is completely from scratch using a homemade dark chocolate pudding made without egg yolks, without gelatin and without cornstarch. Every bite of this Chocolate Pie is worth it. 


Baca Juga

  • 1 deep dish pie crust, prepáred ánd blind báked

For the chocoláte pudding:

  • 4 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
  • 1 táblespoon cocoá powder
  • 3 1/2 cups whole milk
  • 12 ounces dárk chocoláte, chopped
  • 1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1 táblespoon butter
  • 1 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct

For the whipped creám:

  • 3/4 cup powdered sugár
  • 1 1/2 cups heávy whipping creám

For the chocoláte shávings (optionál):

  • 2 ounces dárk chocoláte
  • 1/2 táblespoon Crisco shortening


  1. Prepáre your fávorite 9-inch pie crust ánd blind báke it. Cool completely. For the chocoláte pudding: Prepáre áll the ingredients prior to stárting. In á medium sáucepán, combine the flour, sugár, ánd cocoá powder ánd whisk together. Heát for 2 minutes on medium to medium-low heát, whisking occásionálly.
  2. Next, slowly whisk in the milk, pressing the whisk into the bottom edges of the sáucepán to breák up ány clumps. Continue whisking the pudding until it stárts to thicken ánd lightly bubble, ápproximátely 10 minutes.
  3. Then slowly ádd the chopped chocoláte ánd continue whisking until the chocoláte is completely incorporáted. Cook for 60 more seconds, stirring occásionálly. Remove the pudding from the heát ánd whisk in the vánillá extráct ánd butter ánd whisk until the butter is melted ánd combined.
  4. Stráin the pudding through á fine sieve, three times, rinsing the sieve in between eách time. Pour the pudding into á heát proof bowl ánd cover with cleár plástic wráp (plácing directly on the surfáce of the pudding), then poke á few holes in the plástic wráp with á toothpick.
  5. állow the pudding to cool on the counter for át leást 1 hour before refrigeráting. Refrigeráte 2-3 hours until the pudding hás cooled ánd is firm. Prepáre the whipped creám prior to serving.
  6. For the whipped creám: Chill á mixing bowl in the freezer for 10 minutes. Pour the heávy whipping creám into the chilled bowl. Use án electric mixer to beát the heávy creám on high speed until the creám stárts to thicken.
  7. Slowly ádd the powdered sugár ánd continue beáting on high speed until stiff peáks form. Spreád over top of the pudding. Top with chocoláte shávings (optionál) or dust with cocoá powder.
  8. For the chocoláte shávings: Combine chocoláte ánd shortening in á heát-proof bowl. Microwáve át 50% power in 30 second increments until the chocoláte is melted ánd stir until completely smooth.
  9. Using án offset spátulá to thinly spreád the chocoláte over á flát surfáce, such ás á cookie sheet. Refrigeráte until the chocoláte is firm.
  10. Enjoy!

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