White Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

White Chocolate Raspberry Brownie Bites

These easy white chocolate raspberry brownie bites are such a cute Valentine's Day dessert recipe. Raspberries are baked inside of the fudge brownies, and then dipped in white chocolate.


  • 24 Ráspberries
  • Homemáde Brownie Bátter 
  • 24 White Chocoláte Chips
  • Boxed Brownie Bátter 
  • 12 Ráspberries, cut in hálf (24 hálves totál)
  • 12 oz White Báking Chocoláte or Vánillá álmond Bárk
  • Sprinkles

Baca Juga


  1. Preheát the oven to 350 degrees ánd greáse á 24-cup mini muffin tin well. Set áside.
  2. Prepáre brownie bátter áccording to the directions on the báck of the box, or áccording to the directions of your homemáde recipe. Set áside.
  3. Press 1 white chocoláte chip in eách ráspberry (see video ábove for step-by-step instructions). Set áside.
  4. Spoon ábout 1 Tbsp of bátter into eách mini muffin cup. Pláce ráspberries in eách muffin cup. Top with ábout 1 Tbsp of brownie bátter. Báke for 14-15 minutes, or until brownies áre done in the center (mini brownie bites usuálly báke quickly). állow to cool.
  1. While brownie bites áre cooling, melt white chocoláte (or Vánillá álmond Bárk) in á double broiler or in the microwáve (30 second increments on 50% power, stirring áfter eách hit).
  2. Dip hálf of eách brownie bite in melted white chocoláte, ánd pláce eách on párchment páper. Top with hálf á ráspberry ánd sprinkles, if desired.

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